Sean Chan (from Twofold) finally gets a good picture, Secret Awesome President’s real inaugural artwork and more random site improvements.

Due to last week being ridiculous with much of my free time and rest being wasted, I had to spend what little time I had working on the two commissions I mentioned last week. Luckily, they’re fun things to work on so that eased some of the anger I had from that week’s irritations. Since […]

The Redemption List is something that I mention from time to time but rarely ever explain. It’s my mental (in more ways than one) list of my pictures that I think should’ve been better. Many of these were drawn when I was on the road back from the Art Constipation era that started in 2002, […]

I didn’t plan to finish the Blacktron pic so soon but I decided to go ahead and do that. This gets Blacktron off the Redemption List because I’m happy with the way it turned out. I’m not sure when I’ll have Tyris Flare’s art fully colored in but here’s a preview of how she looked […]