July 11th, 2010
Ryan from the Technos underground classic NES game, River City Ransom.

Due to the kind words people had about the pic I drew of Alex from River City Ransom, I finally drew Ryan, the second player of that game. I’m working my butt off on the big July 19th update for ScrollBoss (just a little over a week away!) so I only had enough time for a black and white version today. The style is feeling a bit more natural to me and it’s something I’m going to practice for some future artwork. I don’t think I’ve properly expressed my mad appreciation for River City Ransom and I’ll be using this style to demonstrate that in future scribblings.

I’m not sure what I’ll have ready for next weekend since I need to get ready for the big Scrollboss 10th Anniversary update. It’s large and a few things still need artwork drawn for it. Unfortunately, July 19th falls on a Monday and I can’t show any feature-specific artwork for it until then. I’ll still try to have some kind of update here next week so stop by and see how I manage to screw that up!

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