This update is light for a few reasons. the first is that I’m working on a slightly big ScrollBoss update to keep making up for all of those small ones. The other reason is that I’m working on a new villain that I was going to show but may hold back due to some surprises. […]

The Captain America pic from 2009 finally has a background. It’s an obvious background that I didn’t want to give him because I thought people would complain until someone at the convention last week suggested it. I figured out a way to make it less plain so I gave it a shot. Plus, the picture […]

People, I had fun. Mad fun, even. Yes, I sold prints and made connections but that’s only a business-minded justification for having the kind of fun I had this Sunday. I had a chance to hang out with old and new friends, buy some cool stuff and spend my weekend doing something other than being […]

Illmosis 2011 Party Flyer: done. Secret Awesome President motivational picture: done. I’ve got to go. Don’t forget that the All Americon is THIS COMING SUNDAY. Lots of great artists, retailers and cool people will be there. I’ll be there with prints to sell and flyers to give out! Admission is only $2 so you won’t […]

Kilowog now has a background that’s another attempt of trying to make quick, decent space backgrounds. I think I’m getting better with the quickly made planets. That M-Wave picture I drew nearly a year ago is finally in full color thanks to the Wacom tablet. M-Wave’s new art was part of an overall update to […]