Today’s newness includes brand-new sprites of Ace of Clubs and Longway along with a new Castlevania monster sprite page featuring the Night Stalker sprite seen on the ScrollBoss site.

Not much going on today, folks. I added a few Green Lantern sprites to ScrollBoss last week and two used a sprite base that I made from scratch. Click on the sprites to see the gallery page that has a work progress animation to see a few steps I took to make the base. I […]

Newness includes an inked pic of ‘Skate’ Hunter from Streets of Rage 2 & 3 and a pixelart version of Castlevania 1’s box art (sans Simon). The ScrollBoss gallery also gets fixed.

The Castlevania background that I posted a preview of last week is now on the site. There’s an animated .GIF showing some of the steps I took in making it. I planned to have this picture of Skate from Sega’s Streets of Rage games inked for today’s update but something came up. I’m posting a […]

Currently having some problems with a program I use to test PHP and MySQL on the hard drive version of my sites. It turns out to be a big part of why I had such connection problems lately because it doesn’t get bad until I turn the PHP/Apache part on. I’m still working on this […]

This week’s update is shared with my ScrollBoss gaming site with new stuff being added there Friday along with today. All of the updates share two things in common: Horror (for Halloween) and early NES games. The Castlevania 1 version of Medusa follows Death into the gallery and Death himself returns in a scratch-made sprite. […]

The 25th Anniversary of the Nintendo Entertainment System caught me by surprise so I felt I had to celebrate somehow. The picture of Mario here is a slightly improved version of the picture I drew on the evening of the anniversary but didn’t like. The original version was NOT good enough to show that night. […]