Because, honestly, the biggest April Fool’s prank I could pull would be to have a real update. Playing catch-up from February, Edgar, from Sega’s game Quartet, is finally added to the galleries here. The line art is of Guffaw, a villain from, well, that project I keep annoying you about. There’s a horror-based corner to […]

More sprites were added, including the new Linda and Abobo (Double Dragon II) sprites from last week’s ScrollBoss update. I added Dig Dug and Fygar (and the sketch I traced to get the sprite started) to the Dig Dug gallery page while the Bionic Commando/Radd Spencer page gets standing sprites for both the NES and […]

First up, Abobo sprites were added to the Double Dragon enemies sprite page along with a work progress sprite. I also added a Lopar/Roper sprite that is closer to what his size should’ve been. The other thing I’ve added is a poster-like graphic for “The War Begins Again” project. I’ve mostly been working on that […]

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who put the All-AmeriCon together and all the people who came out to enjoy it. The event keeps getting bigger and better each year as the word gets out about how much fun it is. There were even some cosplayers this year and that’s when you know […]

The 2012 party flyer is ready, but I could only get a few printed. I’ll have these at my table in the All AmeriCon convention this weekend. See that part on the flyer that’s been blurred/mosaic-ed out? You’ll be able to read it on the print version I’ll have at the convention. I’ll have more […]

The female enemies from Taito’s Growl (known as “Runark” in Japan) finally got a gallery page. These were late additions to last week’s ScrollBoss update. This update doesn’t have much in it because I worked on a lot of things I can’t show you right away. Here are some annoying teasers for them: You’ll see […]

“This is serious, P. Those things you saw up there? Those G–tst—ers? Them herbs ain’t even the worst. You stepped into some ish you can’t step out of because, one way or another, they’ll get all of us if we don’t fight back. Not now, but right now. If you wanna crawl back into bed, […]

The Wasp and Diamondback sprites from last week’s ScrollBoss update now have gallery pages on this site. Both have Work Progress animations that show you many of the steps I took to make the sprites. The ScrollBoss site is officially on pause for a while but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be new pixel […]

Not much going on today, folks. I added a few Green Lantern sprites to ScrollBoss last week and two used a sprite base that I made from scratch. Click on the sprites to see the gallery page that has a work progress animation to see a few steps I took to make the base. I […]

Another lazy update. This is Upski Daisy, a character from a project that I’ve been teasing for a long time. Between trying to get the different drawing style down for this thing and trying to get a design that worked, you can see the struggle all through this pic. I had an earlier try at […]