Not much going on today, folks. I added a few Green Lantern sprites to ScrollBoss last week and two used a sprite base that I made from scratch. Click on the sprites to see the gallery page that has a work progress animation to see a few steps I took to make the base. I […]

Sorry for having another small update but I was working on sample pictures for something that I’m keeping my fingers crossed about. The one thing that I can show you is a sprite of Eddie ‘Skate’ Hunter, a playable hero in Streets of Rage 2 and Streets of Rage 3. This is the same lil’ […]

Sorry for the lateness of this update but it’s probably even better if you see this one at night: Who or what is Incubi? Don’t expect any spoilers from me or this quickly-done pic. I’ll just say Incubi is a villain in my main “hero vs. villain” style comic universe and any horror movie vibe […]

Sorry for the lateness of this update. The J’onn J’onzz pic finally gets a background I made with some experimenting here and there. The Rocky/Manuke sprite that you may have seen in last week’s ScrollBoss update is now in the gallery with an animation that shows many of the steps I took to make it […]