There’s no new art today but there is art that you haven’t seen and art that you mostly won’t see. Yet. Exponent, one of my super-powered characters, gets character profile with a lot of information. There are two old design drawings that will surely make you frown up in the face at how bad they […]

Today’s picture is the first of two commissioned projects I’ve been working on for a bit. This character belongs to XuhanShi and it’s the kind of character design I like to draw. Most of the money from this pic went towards paying for the Dreamhost account that this and my other sites are hosted on […]

Due to last week being ridiculous with much of my free time and rest being wasted, I had to spend what little time I had working on the two commissions I mentioned last week. Luckily, they’re fun things to work on so that eased some of the anger I had from that week’s irritations. Since […]

The Redemption List is something that I mention from time to time but rarely ever explain. It’s my mental (in more ways than one) list of my pictures that I think should’ve been better. Many of these were drawn when I was on the road back from the Art Constipation era that started in 2002, […]

I fixed something on the M-Wave pic I did back on my birthday and decided to bring him up to base color mode. I may hold off on doing all the line cleaning and full-color work until I finish a few other things. I still want to do the Illmosis Scrapbook this year so I’ll […]

I wouldn’t call this an update but more of a preview of things I’m working on. All of that anniversary work along with making progress of various secret projects finally knocked me out on Friday. No joke. I got so tired that I felt myself shutting down and had to just lie down for a […]