August 8th, 2011
Lego Batman running as fast as a minifig can.

The picture of the original Lego Batman is inked and has base colors laid down. I made some changes before inking it but I still have a few problems with it.

Lots of progress was made on different projects last week. Some of it was sprite work but I made a lot of progress on one of the big features I’d always planned to have for the GFX Generators on ScrollBoss. The ScrollBoss weblog has a progress post that I keep updating as I improve this new feature. That is the type of work I can get done when I pass up doing small updates to work on long-term content.

The biggest thing I did this weekend wasn’t exactly something I made but finally coming up with a name for something I’ve had on the back burner for nearly a decade now.

Santessa brought presentsSantessa has a cookie.Blonde women who always get kidnapped in video games.Hazelle Spellcaste on her Enchantolux broom.

There is a tag in the galleries that most people probably never noticed because I’ve barely posted any pictures that use it. That, and the tag, will be changing this year. I finished a logo for one of the first real things you will see from this concept but I can only show you part of it:

Every name I’d come up with for this turned out to be taken until I thought of this one last week. Even the first version of it was taken for the location in a book but a quick adjustment led to an even better name. The crazy thing is that part of the already taken name I had earlier turned out to fit perfectly with another word for the overall concept. There won’t be a year’s worth of teases for this one because I’m putting this one out there as soon as I get a few things in order.

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