December 30th, 2020
Lego Crash Test minifigure

*looks at blog* I was so worn out this year that I forgot to put up a post in March when I added the flat color version of this Crash Test minifig art. But, yeah, the full color version is here now.

Anyone wondering what I was up to for most of this year should probably check out the ScrollBoss site, I managed to get a lot of new pixel art done and posted there, especially for the 20th Anniversary updates. the ScrollBoss YouTube account got a lot of new vids, the most I’ve ever uploaded within a year, along with the most animation I’ve ever done. That doesn’t even count all the things I finished but didn’t show because they’re part of a video or site theme I didn’t get to use yet.

My main 2020 plan, at least the only one I’m saying right now, is to replace some of my old artwork with new versions. I’ve got other ideas, but there’s no point in announcing any of that until it’s ready. I’d also like to try and update this site more than once next year, that’d be wild, right?

Anyway, take care and I hope you (and I) have a better 2021!

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