New things were uploaded around 2 PM before leaving the house but I’m just getting around to doing this write up. Not much to say here, really. Baroness was redrawn AGAIN and will get further digital fixing. The all-new, all-runnin’, all-about-to-whup-dat-behind pic of the week is of Captain America. I like how that turned out. I drew him almost at random but it seems fitting for a Memorial Day weekend update.
I’d have done more but I took time to break off a few pixels for semi-secret ScrollBoss game site update. Take care and I’ll see you next week.
Update 2008 May 25:
And by next week I mean the next day. I turned the graphics card back on last night, made some digital fixes and smoothed the pic out at scan size. I tried to do a bit more work this afternoon but the computer started messing up so I had to shut the card off again. Even doing the base color for the pic was difficult thanks to the slowdown that happens with certain features while that card is off.
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