April 30th, 2010
Wonder Woman turning.Tyris Flare in a fighting stance

This week’s update includes two updated pictures and a party flyer for a party that you’ve already made it to. The Wonder Woman picture finally gets a background and the Tyris Flare pic gets some necessary tweaks. The party flyer is for the Illmosis Megajam 2010. What is that? You’re looking at it. Just read the text on it’s gallery page and you’ll get the whole story.

This is the last update before the All AmeriCon in Warren, Ohio on Sunday, May 2nd. I’m updating today since I won’t be home on Sunday and I already have enough stuff done for an update. If you can make it to the convention, I’ll be in the artist’s section looking a bit like the crappy drawing of me in the lower corner of the Illmosis Megajam 2010 flyer. Besides having art to sell and printed versions of some things you see on the site, I’m going to bring some work that aren’t on the website yet. This will be the first time I’ll have a table at a convention so stop by and see how I fail at it! Artist Jay Fife is going to be there so you can check out his work after being disappointed by my shoddy table set-up. See? Fun for everybody!

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