June 24th, 2013

Green Lantern - John Stewart flying
fighting game-style sprites of Superman (and some guest-stars.
It’s been a while since I’ve posted new color fan art, hasn’t it? Check out Green Lantern Corps member John Stewart flying through an inaccurate space background! Also, those Superman (and Superman-like) sprites from the June updates at ScrollBoss finally have a gallery page. No work-progress sprite yet, but I do have the work frames for it. I’ll add those as soon as I can.

I’ve just started another activity book assignment, so the current Beans vs. Cornbread comic will be on slow-motion mode for a bit. I said slo-mo instead of pause I’ve started on page four. It might take a while, but that story will pick back up again. I also had to get at least one more color pic (points to John) done for the All-Americon convention on July 7th. I’ll be in Artist’s Alley, so stop by my table even if you don’t plan to buy anything from me. Yes, I’m just that desperate for attention.

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