April 9th, 2015

Flash (Barry Allen)Gilius Thunderhead 2014 picTMNT sprites made from scratch.
This easily qualifies as an unfinished business post. That Flash pic adds a background to a picture I drew and colored two months ago, but Gilius himslef was originally done last year (part of “The Revenge of 1989” for the ScrollBoss site) and the new-style Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sprites started with Raph last December. If you recognize the background for those TMNT sprites on their gallery page, consider it a preview for something I’m working on quietly. The Flash pic has been added to the Prints page and the Gilius pic will join it once I get a sample print to see how it looks.

My own copy of the ScrollBoss Minus World Skull shirt from TeePublic.com came in the mail yesterday, right along with a new batch of prints. I didn’t realize this until I hunted down the old scan to clean up and vectorize for the shirt (and other projects), but that graphic is now over 10 years old. It goes back to when I redesigned the ScrollBoss site before moving to Dreamhost. I wanted something creepy-but-still-goofy for the Twilight Zone-style vibe that section of ScrollBoss went for at times. That section will have yet another change in the future, but that’s a whole different story.

I’ll be at the Warren, Ohio location of All-American Cards & Comics on Free Comic Book Day (May 2nd), but don’t let that cause you to avoid the place. I’ll be selling prints and will have some unposted pics and sprites to show for anyone who stops by.

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