Scarlett, the first G.I.JOE character I’ve drawn, inked and colored in a long, long time, now has a pic on the site. I also added the Gotham villains pixel art group shot I previewed on ScrollBoss a few weeks ago. Both pics have been added to the prints page. I also added the 20XX site party flyer that I’ll have on hand at the All AmeriCon comic convention. It’s mainly the 2014 flyer, but with a preview of an upcoming ScrollBoss character. Her sprite will part of this weekend’s 15th Anniversary update for the site.

I’ll be in Artist’s Alley at the All AmeriCon convention this Saturday (July 18th) in Warren, Ohio. I’ll have the new pics with me, along with previews of new stuff I’ll be adding to the sites. I’ll probably be drawing linework for sprites I’ll drop in the ScrollBoss 15th Anniversary update, so you can see me scribble while suffering the effects of sleep deprivation. Besides the always-packed Artist’s Alley, there will be cosplay contests, toy dealers (I’ll try not to spend all my scratch there) and special guests Michael Golden (Micronauts, G.I.JOE), Renee Witterstaetter (writer, colorist, editor) and Darryl Banks (artist and one of the few good costume designers from the ’90s).
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