This isn’t an 11th Anniversary post as much as it’s a “this place isn’t dead” post. I haven’t updated since the All-AmeriCon and a lot has happened since then. So this post is going to play catch-up and talk about what’s next.
Sprites were made and posted on ScrollBoss, including a lot of horror characters for another DangerTerrorHorrorThon that wrapped up on Halloween.

Updating the sprite group pics on this site to add sprites is too time consuming, which is part of why they haven’t been updated in months. ScrollBoss’ sprite galleries are easy to update, but lack the features that the I made for the art galleries. I’ll stick to adding single pieces here (including pixel art prints) until I can make one merged gallery system.
I did some commission pixel work, but you’ll have to wait to see the ridiculously fun background I made. The biggest thing was buying Anime Studio 10 with money I made at the All-AmeriCon and then, for once, following through with trying to learn a recent art program purchase.
It’s easier for me to learn the ropes of the program using pixel art, so that’s part of why my focus has been on that. The program can also use Manga Studio/Clip Studio files, so that’s even more incentive for me to learn those program and transition to having fun with drawn art in the program.
I was going to talk about things I plan to work on, but that never works out well for me, does it? Example: plans to do a big group of Illmosis character sprites for this update fell off when my sinus problems decided to hit me with a truck, and my concentration is so shot that even typing this post is tougher than it should be. That didn’t stop me from getting a Nutroll sprite finished. I’ve been working on some character redesigns and revamps while doing the pixel art sketches, like Exponent over there. Her hair color change is thanks to how a major TV show decided to have a redhead who can make duplicates of herself. I also shortened her hair in hero mode so that her silhouette looks less like Mindsight’s. Honestly, I dig the purple hair, so it all worked out. I’ll be making more Illmosis sprites this month and I’ll add them to ScrollBoss in a special update.
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