June 13th, 2016

I’ll have prints to sell, flyers to give away (and, fingers crossed, free coloring pages again, if I can get them printed). I’ll also have some printouts of stuff that isn’t on this site or ScrollBoss yet, so check that out, too. There’s a kick-butt artist’s alley every year that has every taste covered, lots of cool comic and toy dealers (where I try not to drop all my profits) and top-notch cosplayers rolling through. It’s a great time every year, so stop in if you can!
Yesterday was my birthday and I spent most of it working on the background for the full-color Black Panther pic. He’s a character I’ve wanted to draw for a long time, so it felt really good to finish his pic on my birthday. I also added some TMNT sprites to their gallery page here. These hit ScrollBoss in the Free Comic Book Day update in May and were so rushed that I didn’t take any progress steps while doing them. Still, they managed to look okay. Also: the Pac-Man and Lego Batgirl pics are now available as prints!
Reminder: the All-AmeriCon 2016 in Warren, Ohio is less than a month away!

I’ll have prints to sell, flyers to give away (and, fingers crossed, free coloring pages again, if I can get them printed). I’ll also have some printouts of stuff that isn’t on this site or ScrollBoss yet, so check that out, too. There’s a kick-butt artist’s alley every year that has every taste covered, lots of cool comic and toy dealers (where I try not to drop all my profits) and top-notch cosplayers rolling through. It’s a great time every year, so stop in if you can!
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