The Wasp and Diamondback sprites from last week’s ScrollBoss update now have gallery pages on this site. Both have Work Progress animations that show you many of the steps I took to make the sprites. The ScrollBoss site is officially on pause for a while but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be new pixel […]

The Captain America pic from 2009 finally has a background. It’s an obvious background that I didn’t want to give him because I thought people would complain until someone at the convention last week suggested it. I figured out a way to make it less plain so I gave it a shot. Plus, the picture […]

Sorry for the lack of an update last week but the things that popped up was part of the reason that I had to stop drop the weekly guarantee. I felt just good enough to struggle through this picture of Storm in her Jim Lee-designed outfit and not completely mess it up. It needed two […]

Here’s today’s crossover update with ScrollBoss. I have the Thing sprite that I previewed last week and it includes an work steps animation that shows the sprite being worked on. I also have a quick pic of Bomberman that I penciled at the Black Friday event in All-American Comic’s Warren, Ohio store. Check out these […]

Background Bonanza. My brain just defecated it out as I was trying to figure out what to name the post. What is it? It’s when I make backgrounds for a bunch of pictures including some that I didn’t plan to make backgrounds for. This batch includes the recent Tyris Flare pic, the Green Lantern Hal […]

Wonder Woman returns in base color with an improved face. I’m not sure when I’ll have the chance but I plan to get this in full color very soon. The other new thing is a picture from 1998 with Ace of Clubs, Phenomenon and Batterram beating up some villains. Now that I’m finally better at […]

New things were uploaded around 2 PM before leaving the house but I’m just getting around to doing this write up. Not much to say here, really. Baroness was redrawn AGAIN and will get further digital fixing. The all-new, all-runnin’, all-about-to-whup-dat-behind pic of the week is of Captain America. I like how that turned out. […]